Nationals Baseball: Monday Quickie

Monday, March 03, 2025

Monday Quickie

Anything going on in Spring so far?

The same song and dance - we look for things that are WAY out of line to suggest injury or issues or I guess a new beginning because just generic really good stats or really bad stats should be ignored completely. Nothing proven but gives us things to keep an eye on early in the season when things matter to see how real they actually are. This is even before that - which is coming out of Spring. This is stuff to keep an eye on for next start because what else are you going to do? Just sit back and enjoy some baseball? 

No real homer busting for the Nats but Robert Hassell has hit 1 homer and three doubles (though granted in about double everyone elses ABs.  He's going down to AAA but also is a fringy player so they are pumping his ABs while they can).  As a top level prospect who had an injury that sapped his power and didn't seem to recover yet this is interesting. 

If you are a Drew Millas, Amed Rosario, or Yohandy Morales fan - very early signs aren't promising. However outside maybe Yohandy you probably aren't interested.  

Alex Call has taken 8 walks in 17 PA.  Maybe trying to re-invent himself? 

Pitching is a harder because they are really trying new things or are focused on getting something down and may not care too much about results. To keep an eye on : 

DJ Herz has been really wild. Shinnosuke looks like a AAA pitcher. Cole Henry looked real sharp. Soroka was sharp (but his stats match Adon's if you are wondering how fleeting these glances should be with those eyes)


SMS said...

The biggest thing to root for in ST is no injuries, and it's not close. So far so good.

Other than that, I think you call out the major highlights.

I'm not really going to get excited about Hassell or Henry until they're healthy and consistently producing in Rochester for a couple of months at least. They have looked good, though.

With Millas, I don't care that his OPS is .250 over 12 PAs. I do care that his defense hasn't been consistent. The option situation already gives Adams the inside track to C2, but Millas needs to be convincingly above average or better on defense to even make it a hard choice.

Anonymous said...

Actually….the greatest development for which we could have hoped for ST came true. The MASN war is over.

So no more excuses. Time to start spending some $$$$

Donald said...

I’m intrigued by the uptick in Soroka’s velocity. That could be an interesting thing to keep an eye on.

Ole PBN said...

Yes, the MASN win/resolution is “Monumental” (pun intended) :P

DezoPenguin said...

Yeah, the MASN dispute getting resolved is definitely the biggest news so far. And no major injuries. *fingers crossed* I am curious as to who's going to be the fourth player on the bench. Call as OF4, Rosario as UTIL, probably Adams as C2 (agreed with SMS that if Millas is going to get a job, it has to be on the strength of his defense), but who'll be the extra one? Tena?

Anonymous said...

I can't see the point to having both Rosario and Tena as bench players. My guess is Chaparro.

SMS said...

I don't love any of the options but I lean Tena. He's fast and Yepez and especially Chaparro are slow. He has more defensive flexibly than either of those guys as well. And it's a small thing but having an all right handed bench doesn't seem great.

But that's kind of assuming the bats are all projected to be about league average. If they think that one of them (probably Chaparro) is meaningfully better than that, I think that outweighs the rest of it.

kubla said...

Has there been any analysis done on how NL teams' bench players have changed since the DH was introduced? I'm curious about what adaptations teams made once they didn't have to pinch-hit for the pitcher.