Here's what the main entrance would look like, if you happen to enter that way
Most toursits will walk in from downtown. You'll hit the historic Pioneer Square first. That's ok, but then you'll walk through several blocks of nothing. Kind of like this. (That's QWEST FIELD taking up space) To be fair there is Pyramid Brewery right across the street from Safeco but that's pretty much it.
And here's the entrance you'd most likely see
Inside the stadium is nice, but notice - no view of anything. Not the nearby skyline, not Mt. Rainier, nothing
You can get a nice view of the city walking around the upper deck. You can even get behind the main sign. It's a nice, but not the same as a view from your seats.
The best part - lots of stuff to do, lots of stuff to eat. For example. GameCube games (will they have the Wii next year?)
And the famous Sushi rolls. They probably have the best food selection of any park I've been to.
All in all a nice experience but not mind-blowing.