Nationals Baseball: Monday Quickie - a good week and a sweep diverted

Monday, June 03, 2024

Monday Quickie - a good week and a sweep diverted

The Nats took a couple games from the Mariners - the class of the AL West.  Of course that's looking like not saying much. More importantly they also won the series against Atlanta, taking 3 of 4. The Braves are reeling - losing Acuna they followed the Nats series loss with a squeaking by of Oakland at home - and the Nats took advantage of it. These are things we want the Nats to do and the things that separate the Nats from the bottom of the pack where they've been mired the past few years. This week is the Mets and Atlanta in DC.  If they can go 5-2 then you have to start thinking about .500 for this year because they'll be right there with a pretty mixed bag of opponents the rest of the year. 

In the minors - Wood is hurt and taking a rest but Dylan Crews, Daylen Lile, and Jeremy de La Rosa have all had good showings recently. One thing that no one can deny about the Nats is that their minors is lousy with outfielders.


kubla said...

Harrisburg plays the local AA team in mid-August. It's a six-game homestand, so I imagine they will go through the entire rotation. Which exciting prospects do you think are still going to be there at that point? Any pitchers I should be looking for when choosing which tickets to buy?

billyhacker said...

"5-2"!? Sure, if they can maintain a 0.710 winning percentage, that would take care of a lot of things. World Series, here we come.

Chas R said...

Could it be they end up like the 2011 team?? Because we all know what happened after that!

SMS said...

So many outfielders.

Young - Elite CF defense and league average-ish production. WAR/600 so far over 4.
Wood - Crushing AAA at 21. Potential all-world superstar.
Crews - Beating AA at 22. Very strong trend lines too. April was a 91 wRC+ 91 and 36% k%. May was a 147 wRC+ and a 17% k%. Probably not an MVP, but median outcome is above average regular and upside from there.

All with 6+ years of control.

And then, even ignoring the youngest guys, there's a bunch of ranked prospects who don't have a clear line to a roster spot.

Hassell - Above average results in AA at 22.
Pinckney - Above average results in AA at 23.
Lile - Crushing A+ at 21.
De La Rosa - Just got back from an injury, so very small sample size, but crushing A+ at 22 so far this season.

The plan has to be to trade at least some of these folks.

Steven Grossman said...

@sms. At the moment, there is no surplus of outfielders on the Nats. You can't count on prospects until they have proven themselves over a period of time; you don't have a surplus until you actually have too many people who are major-league or major-league ready, uninjured and in the city where the game is.

I am sure that Rizzo sees the possibility of having too many outfielders. That would be a really good problem, because then they would have prospect capital to use in a trade. For the foreseeable future though, there is a surplus of outfield wannabe's, not a surplus of can't-miss outfielders.

Anonymous said...

Williams to IL.

Cautiously Pessimistic said...

oof there goes the Nats biggest trade chip. hopefully it's brief, but it's the same injury as Gray and he's been out quite awhile now

SMS said...

I know TJ is the worst case and common enough, and missing 2-3 months like Gray is probably expected, but what's the shortest plausible amount of missed time for a flexor strain?

Is there any chance at all that he's back by mid-July?

Anonymous said...

Can’t wait to see what Harper has to say about that embarrassing sweep to the Mets of all teams…

Steven Grossman said...

Yes. Embarrassing. But also not a crazy outcome with a new minor league pitcher one night and Corbin pitching another night. 2 of the 3 games were meant to be losses from the get-go.

The more interesting question is whether we can continue to beat Atlanta, even while we have troubles beating the Mets. Once again, Atlanta will see the stronger part of our pitching corps. Perhaps we can duplicate our last series with them.