Nationals Baseball: That was bad

Thursday, June 06, 2024

That was bad

We have an opposite of the Godfather 3 situation.  Just when you think you are into the Nats they push you back out. This sweep sort of gives you the picture of what we thought the Nats would be.  Gore, filling the role of "bad outing by a young starter" had a rare off-night forcing the Nats to play catch-up.  Herz, "replacement starter", gave just enough to be acceptable in that role, which still means being down early. And Corbin was Corbin.  Get that guy out of here. 

The Nats offense is kind of what we thought it would be like, if some of the whos are mixed up. A pretty bad offense plus pretty bad pitching and there you go. A team that can get swept by a woeful Mets team that  were in a 12-27 stretch where only 1 of the 12 wins was by more than 2 runs. 

The sweep means the Nats lost a leg up from the two earned by beating Seattle and Atlanta. They don't have to get it back to have a good stretch, just hold court. 3-4 over the last 7 would do it. Of course saying "Oh good Irvin and Parker are next up" sounds really weird but that's what the Nats season has been about. Weirdly good starting performances. The Braves offense is fairly average without Acuna, hell maybe with it, so there's no real challenge here. Just do what you've been doing.

At this point though the Nats need to decide on what they are doing the rest of the year. I'm not saying "GO ALL-IN" or anything but how much do they care? DFAing Robles show they can move on. But keep it going. 

  • Corbin is terrible and not doing anything for anyone here. You managed to squeak out a barely acceptable 2nd to last year of the contract after hanging on to him for too long. Congrats. But you can't keep him going any longer. There's no point. Yes the Williams injury means you need a pitcher. Bring up anyone else. If you aren't going to mark each of his starts a lost cause to save bullpen arms and have him throw to 110-120 pitches per then I don't know why he isn't on the street. 
  • Cut ties with Joey.  Try some new bats at DH/1B while you have a chance.  Presumably in August we'll see the guys we want to see and space will be tight. Give them some hacks now rather than waste them on Meneses who presumably will be gone for 2025. 
  • Ruiz needs a reset. Either give him a couple weeks as back-up here or send him down to AAA to try to get his head on straight. Playing through it as the starter hasn't worked. 
  • Decide (and we don't have to know about it) whethere Harvey/Floro/Law are staying or going. If going - they can keep pitching as is. If staying you have to be a lot more judicious on their innings. The Nats don't have to have 3 guys in the Top 30 of appearances, especially when they've played 1-2 games fewer than everyone else. (and if they are going - who's filling their roles next year or are you gambling on FA relievers again) 

 If this year is about 2025, which it appears to be, let's see it. 


Kevin Rusch said...

I agree. I'm ready for some decisions to be reached and some moves to be made. I guess keep Corbin on hand until there are 5 guys better than him, but that should only be another month or so.

Might as well cut bait on Gallo. I can't imagine he'll bring anything back in a trade. Meneses had a nice little run, but he's on the wrong side of 32 and clearly declining.

Give 100 ABs to Cluff, Blankenhorn, and Yepez just to see. Give 100 AB to Kieboom so we can get it over with and release him.

SMS said...

Mostly agree, Harper, but Ruiz can't be optioned without exposing him to waivers, so that's not possible. Maybe he's banged up enough as a catcher that you can IL him for a couple of weeks, but you have to be careful with that.

And, @KR, I don't think Kieboom needs another 100 PAs. He's had plenty and is running a 70 wRC+ in AAA. On the other hand, why release him? He's not using a 40 slot. If he wants to be an org guy in AAA and he's part of creating a good competitive environment for our prospects, there's nothing gained by forcing him out of the system. I actually would think it would be really helpful to have a few former top prospects around in the upper minors.

Ole PBN said...

@KR - I agree, but if you’re going to give 100 ABs to all those guys, then how can we justify keeping Corbin on hand until there is something better? Anyone is better. Literally anyone. Adon, Watkins, Rutledge, and whoever is puttering around in AA. Herz is better. Call it “devil you know vs. devil you don’t” but I’m sick of seeing this guy. No wonder this team can never go on a run with this ditch running across the highway every five miles.

6 IP / 6 ER. Every five days. It’s ridiculous how this level of performance is just accepted. Move him to the pen? We only have one lefty out there anyways and 4/5 in the rotation.

And I’m really sick of hearing the argument that 6 IP is good because it gives the pen a rest. Somehow, all non-Gore SPs on this team aren’t allowed to face opposing hitters a third time thru the order but Corbin can. Can’t believe I’ll say this, but I’ll throw the entire game myself, give up 20 runs every fifth evening, and be home in time to tuck my kids in for bed… all for free.

He’s been the worst SP in baseball over the past four seasons where he’s compiled -4 WAR and a 26-57 record. 35 QS in 107 GS (33%) doesn’t sound very good to me either.

Rant over :)

Harper said...

Kevin - Gallo has been hitting enough in the last couple weeks to give him some more ABs just to see if he can get his numbers up and bring back an low a-ball 22yo lottery ticket. Probably not but if you are cutting Meneses you can use Gallo to ease in whoever you are bringing up.

SMS - forgot about Ruiz situation, so yeah, just give him 2 weeks of back-up rest while Millas takes the lead.

Ole PBN - If he were hitting 6IP pretty much every game I might actually be fine with it, but he's only done it six times in 13 starts. Only got an out in the 6th inning once. They only let him go over 93 pitches two times this year Either you throw him to the wolves or you throw him out the door.

Anonymous said...

I would agree that it’s time to move on from Corbin. I don’t want to sound like a Corbin apologist or anything, but I have always felt like Corbin’s arm was the price the Nats paid for the WS title (even moreso than Stras, who I always viewed as a ticking time bomb health wise), and in that regard I will always view his contract as money well spent. He was pitching multiple innings of relief and starting across the postseason. It was nuts but he was great. So I will always appreciate him, no matter how the rest of time with the Nats turned out. But he has never been the same since 2019 in my eyes and that is as much on the Nats as it is on him (in my opinion).

But yes, it’s time to move on. Cavalli and Gray should both be back at some point soon, at which point I would imagine the Nats move him on. The Williams injury may buy him some time, but by July I would expect a Gore, Gray, Irvin, Parker, Williams/Cavalli rotation. They have to see what they have with Gray, Irvin, Parker and Cavalli.